
EGAN Forklifts

Lifting and Moving Industries



10 Cost-Effective Maintenance Practices for Forklift Owners: Prolonging Lifespan and Reducing Expenses

Maintaining your forklift fleet is not only essential for safe operations but also plays a crucial role in controlling costs. By implementing cost-effective maintenance practices, you can prolong the lifespan of your forklifts while reducing unnecessary expenses. In this guide, we will explore ten valuable tips to help forklift owners optimize their maintenance routines and keep their budgets in check.

  1. Regular Inspections: Performing routine inspections is a cornerstone of effective maintenance. Regularly check key components such as brakes, tires, forks, hydraulics, and electrical systems to identify potential issues before they escalate. Promptly addressing minor problems can prevent costly breakdowns down the line.
  2. Follow Manufacturer Guidelines: Adhere to the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule and guidelines. They provide valuable insights into routine tasks, including fluid changes, filter replacements, and general upkeep. Following these guidelines ensures optimal performance and prevents premature wear and tear.
  3. Proper Lubrication: Maintaining proper lubrication is crucial for the smooth operation of your forklift. Regularly inspect and lubricate critical components, such as pivot points, chains, and bearings, using appropriate lubricants. This simple practice can extend the lifespan of these components and prevent costly repairs.
  4. Keep Cleanliness a Priority: Maintaining a clean forklift not only promotes a professional image but also enhances performance and prevents damage. Regularly clean the forklift’s exterior, including the chassis, mast, and overhead guard. Additionally, keep the engine compartment and battery area free from debris, ensuring optimal airflow and preventing overheating.
  5. Train Operators: Well-trained operators contribute significantly to the longevity of your forklift fleet. Ensure your operators are knowledgeable about safe handling practices, proper maintenance checks, and reporting potential issues. By avoiding operator-induced damage, you can minimize repair costs and extend the lifespan of your equipment.
  6. Battery Maintenance: For electric forklifts, proper battery maintenance is vital. Follow charging and maintenance guidelines to prevent overcharging or deep discharging, which can shorten battery life. Regularly inspect battery cables, connections, and water levels as per manufacturer recommendations to avoid unexpected battery failures.
  7. Maintain Tire Health: Monitor tire condition regularly and maintain proper inflation levels. Underinflated or worn tires can impact fuel efficiency, increase wear on other components, and compromise operator safety. Rotate and replace tires as needed to ensure even wear and optimal performance.
  8. Document Maintenance History: Maintaining a comprehensive maintenance history for each forklift is invaluable. Documenting repairs, inspections, and parts replacements allows you to track trends, identify recurring issues, and plan future maintenance effectively. It also helps in warranty claims and when selling or replacing equipment.
  9. Address Issues Promptly: Address any signs of wear, unusual noises, or performance issues promptly. Ignoring minor problems can lead to more significant and costlier repairs in the future. Encourage operators to report issues immediately, and have a designated maintenance team responsible for timely resolutions.
  10. Training and Certifications: Invest in ongoing training and certifications for your maintenance team. Keeping them up-to-date with the latest techniques, technologies, and best practices will improve their effectiveness and reduce the likelihood of mistakes that could lead to costly repairs.

Conclusion: By implementing these ten cost-effective maintenance practices, forklift owners can proactively extend the lifespan of their equipment and reduce unnecessary expenses. Regular inspections, proper lubrication, adhering to manufacturer guidelines, and investing in training contribute to enhanced performance, increased safety, and long-term cost savings. Prioritizing maintenance not only protects your investment but also ensures smooth operations and optimal productivity.

Remember, proactive maintenance is key to preventing major breakdowns and costly repairs. Embrace these practices, maintain a robust maintenance routine, and watch your forklifts serve you efficiently for years to come.

#7: Tires and Suspension: Ensuring Stability and Manoeuvrability of Your Forklift

The tires and suspension system of a forklift play a crucial role in providing stability, traction, and smooth operation. Issues with tires and suspension can significantly impact the performance, safety, and efficiency of your forklift. Understanding common problems related to tires and suspension and implementing proper maintenance practices is essential for optimal forklift operation.

One of the most common issues with tires is wear and tear. Over time, the tires can become worn, resulting in reduced traction, compromised stability, and increased risk of accidents. Regular inspection of the tires is vital to identify signs of wear, such as uneven tread patterns, bulges, or cuts. Timely replacement of worn tires is crucial to maintain the stability and manoeuvrability of the forklift.

Improper tire pressure is another common problem that can affect the performance of the forklift. Underinflated tires can lead to reduced traction, increased fuel consumption, and premature tire wear. On the other hand, overinflated tires can result in a harsh ride, decreased stability, and potential tire blowouts. Regularly check the tire pressure and ensure it is within the manufacturer’s recommended range to optimize forklift performance.

Suspension issues can also arise and impact the smooth operation of the forklift. A worn or damaged suspension system can lead to increased vibration, instability, and discomfort for the operator. Regular inspection of the suspension components, including springs, shock absorbers, and linkages, is crucial to identify any signs of damage or wear. Replace any worn or damaged suspension parts promptly to ensure optimal stability and operator comfort.

Proper maintenance practices can help prevent tire and suspension problems. Regularly clean the tires and remove any debris or foreign objects that may cause damage. Inspect the tire treads for wear and rotate the tires periodically to promote even wear. Additionally, lubricate suspension components as recommended by the manufacturer to ensure smooth operation and minimize wear.

Operator training is essential to promote proper tire and suspension maintenance. Educate operators on the importance of conducting pre-shift inspections, including checking tire condition and pressure. Encourage them to report any abnormalities or signs of tire or suspension issues promptly to prevent further damage or safety risks.

Investing in quality tires and suspension components is crucial for long-term performance and reliability. Choose tires that are suitable for the operating environment and load requirements of your forklift. Consider factors such as tread design, load capacity, and durability. Similarly, opt for suspension components from reputable manufacturers to ensure durability and optimal performance.

By addressing tire and suspension issues promptly, implementing regular maintenance practices, and providing proper operator training, forklift owners can ensure stability, manoeuvrability, and safety in their operations. Regular inspections, timely repairs, and operator awareness contribute to the overall reliability and longevity of the forklift.

#2: Engine Starting Problems: Ensuring Smooth Operation for Your Forklift

Engine starting problems can be a frustrating issue faced by forklift owners, as they can lead to unexpected delays and disruptions in operations. When a forklift engine fails to start or experiences difficulty starting, it not only affects productivity but also raises concerns about potential underlying mechanical issues. Understanding the common causes of engine starting problems and implementing appropriate solutions is crucial for ensuring the smooth operation of your forklift.

One of the primary reasons for engine starting problems is inadequate fuel supply. It is essential to regularly check the fuel levels in the tank and ensure that there is sufficient fuel for proper engine operation. Running out of fuel or using low-quality fuel can result in difficulty starting the engine or even engine failure. Maintaining a consistent fuelling schedule and using high-quality fuel can help mitigate this issue.

Another common cause of engine starting problems is related to the ignition system. Faulty spark plugs, ignition switches, or wiring can prevent the engine from starting or cause intermittent starting issues. Regularly inspecting and replacing worn-out spark plugs, checking the condition of ignition components, and ensuring proper electrical connections can help address these problems. Additionally, proper storage of the forklift, especially in colder climates, can prevent moisture build-up and protect the ignition system.

The choke is another component that can contribute to engine starting problems, particularly in colder weather conditions. Ensuring that the choke is functioning correctly and adjusted appropriately based on the temperature is crucial for facilitating easy engine starts. Regular maintenance and adjustments of the choke can help prevent issues related to cold starting.

Preventive maintenance plays a vital role in addressing engine starting problems. Following the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule for tune-ups, filter replacements, and overall engine checks is essential. Regular inspections, lubrication, and cleaning of engine components can prevent issues such as clogged fuel filters or dirty air filters that can impede engine starting.

In cases where engine starting problems persist despite preventive measures, it is advisable to seek professional assistance. Experienced forklift technicians can diagnose more complex issues related to the engine, such as fuel system malfunctions or ignition system failures, and provide the necessary repairs or replacements.

By addressing engine starting problems promptly and implementing preventive maintenance practices, forklift owners can minimize downtime, increase productivity, and ensure the smooth operation of their equipment. Regular checks, proper fuelling, ignition system maintenance, and seeking professional help when needed are key to overcoming engine starting challenges.


Thunderstorm is not an opportunity for a free forklift wash.

Leaving forklifts outside in thunderstorms can pose several risks, including:

  1. Lightning strikes: Forklifts are metal objects, which can attract lightning strikes during thunderstorms. A direct lightning strike can cause significant damage to the forklift and pose a serious safety risk to the operator.
  2. Flood damage: Thunderstorms can bring heavy rain, which can cause flooding in low-lying areas where forklifts are parked. Floodwaters can damage the forklift’s electrical components, engine, and other vital parts, leading to costly repairs and downtime.
  3. Slippery conditions: Rain can make outdoor surfaces slippery and increase the risk of accidents, such as forklift skids and slides. This can result in property damage, injuries to operators, and lost productivity.
  4. Exposure to debris: During thunderstorms, high winds can cause flying debris, which can damage or even break the forklift’s windows, mirrors, and other external components. This can create unsafe conditions for the operator and increase the risk of accidents.

For these reasons, it’s important to park forklifts indoors or under cover during thunderstorms to protect both the equipment and the operators.


Being in the forklift business since 2002, we have always pride ourselves in our sincerity towards our clients. We constantly remind ourselves on the importance of embracing the “E” spirit.

So what is this “E” spirit? In school, we strive to be the best by achieving Grade A. In business, we strive to be the best by achieving Grade E. By “E” here we mean #EXCELLENCE.

Over the years we have received countless acknowledgements and endorsements from clients. Recently in our visitation to a client’s office (pssst: they are one of Malaysia’s top corporations), we received a glowing report from them. We received special mentions on…

  1. Integrity
  2. Transparency
  3. Parts Quality
  4. Value for Money
  5. Communication
  6. Service

Nicholas, founder EGAN with a happy customer

This endorsement is a great encouragement to the entire team and will fuel our determination to serve all better.


EGAN has met the forklift parts needs of the industry since 2002, supplying the entire nation of Malaysia and more than 10 international markets.


Apa Kabar Bapak

Last week together with a few EXCO peers of Branding Asssociation of Malaysia, our founder Nicholas stepped into the land of Indonesia for approximately 2 hours. Yes 2hours but not flight into Indonesia, but merely drove into Indonesia. Guess some of you would have guessed he went to the Embassy. LOL

In line with EGAN expansion plans, Nicholas was happy to accept the invite to meet the Minister Counsellor of Economy and his team. The meeting was very amicable and enjoyable with many good thoughts and ideas exchanged. The Minister is a very jovial man and welcoming to collaborations.

The spirit of ASEAN is indeed prevalent especially with the now born AEC (ASEAN Economy Community).

EGAN looks forward to collaborating closely with our Indonesian neighbors.


EGAN is a household name for forklift parts in Malaysia since 2002, supplying to industries across the board in Malaysia and more than 10 international markets.

EGAN is the first and only brand in the history of Malaysia’s forklift industry to be awarded entrepreneurship excellence and invitation into the prestigious Branding Association of Malaysia




Don’t you love this name? It sounds like warrior’s name. Few days ago, our client walked in with a box full of used parts seeking help. He was using an Indonesian forklift brand called PATRIA.

According to him, EGAN is the only company here to be able to help him find the parts for his PATRIA. Due to our unique “interchange” knowledge, we will be able to automatically recommend him similar parts of other brands.

Gladly we did not disappoint him. As this content is being type, all the items he required has been supplied, much to his joy!

Yes, EGAN is multi brand and multi country.

EGAN is the first and only brand in the history of Malaysia’s forklift industry to be awarded entrepreneurship excellence and invitation into the prestigious Branding Association of Malaysia

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